Saturday, 25 February 2012

Pancake Tuesday!!!

Ok so last Tuesday was Pancake Tuesday!!! Possibly one of the greatest days of the year in my opinion!!! To my absolute delight the Crepe Man was in college:):) There was a quese at his crepe stand from 10am to when I was leaving college at 5 he was doing a roaring trade!!!

But my question is what did everyone have on their pancakes!?!?!? I had Chocolate on mine from the crepe man cannot beat it!!!When I got home my mum was making the pancakes and I had raspberries in some and for my last pancake I went all out and had Ben & Jerry's carmel chew chew!!! YUM!!!!

I must admit I absolutely hate lemon & sugar on pancakes even if there is a hint of lemon near my pancake I couldn't eat it!!! Some of my friends had savory pancakes with ham & cheese interesting combo! In my opinion I think if you are having a pancake you may aswell go all out and have the chocolate in it!!!To the side of my blog I have attached my pancake receipe!! Sur its lent the next day you may as well....which leads me to my next questions what have people given up for lent!?!?!

I'll let ye in on a secre I've broken my lent already:( Will start afresh on Monday again, I know thats cheating but don't tell anyone;)

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Cupcake Delight!!!!

Cupcake Cottage

Cupcakes have taken over the dessert market over recents years.....when I was younger it was all about Queen Cakes which are basically smaller cupcakes! But I have recently noticed the amount of restaurants serving cupcake never mind the amount of Cupcake shops opening up everywhere. I guarantee you could not go to a farmers market without coming across a cupcake stand! I went to my fair share of 21st last year and at the majority of them Cupcakes were there be it a huge Cupcake as the birthday cake or the usual small Cupcakes!!What is the deal with the new trend!?!

I decided to take it upon myself to try out a few Cupcake places I must admit it was a tough challenge but someone has got to do it!! Cupcake cottage came out as a big winner for me!!

Cupcake Cottage has so many flavours of Cupcakes they have; chocolate; oreo; strawberry; white chocolate & blueberry; coffee; red velvet; tiramisu; lemon & honeycomb. You are spoilt for choice going there!!! Over time I must admit I tried a good few and White Chocolate & Blueberry has to be the nicest!!!!! They are priced at €2 each which I think is a bargain!! Has anyone been there yet!?! If not I would definatley recommend a visit, the girls in there are so nice and friendly a great business they have I hope its a real success for them!! I'm off to make a cup of tea and have a Red Velvet Cupcake by the fire.....YUM!!!!!!

Has anyone else tried other Cupcake places!?! I would love to hear your stories!!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Food on the Move...Good Idea or Bad!?!?

Lunch in Groups
Family Dinner

Lunch Alone

With RAG week last week it got me thinking about when people eat their lunch/dinner and do people have breakfast anymore!?!? I noticed so many people grabbing a roll from the shop and eating it quickly before their lecture. The crepe man was on campus all last week the amount of people walking around trying to eat a crepe on a paper plate is not one bit enjoyable. Believe me this has been tried and tested from my own personal experience!! Not only is it not enjoyable but looking at people trying to eat this crepe is not very appealing at all!!

But what is it with eating food on the move, is it a timing thing are people always in a rush!?!? surely to sit down and eat a sandwich wouldn't take more than five minutes!?!? But then again how many people do you see in college who actually sit down on their own and eat their lunch!?! Walking into the main or student centre there is always groups of people sitting around having their lunch. Is sitting on your own the reason you eat food on the go!? I must admit I feel I wouldn't sit on my own having lunch in college think I'd go to the toilets instead!!! But I would have no problem eating lunch on my own in town!! Does everyone feel this way!?!

Maybe I am thinking about it too much but have a look yourself during the week see how many people are braving it alone and how many cluster of groups all pile around one table..and more importanly who is strolling around having their lunch on the move!!!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Do We Really Need Food After Clubbing!?!?!?!?

So I was in Edinburgh this week on a class trip, what shocked me and majority of my class was no take aways were open after the club!!!! What was going on here?? We all were in complete shock so much so a group of girls took a taxi journey out to a McDonalds 8 miles from where we were staying to go to the trip through!! Bit extreme I thought at first until the following night I hopped into a taxi to a place that was serving food late!!!

Once I got there there was a queue outside and it was table service so myself and my friend sat down and got served up dinner at 3am!!  We were thinking of the lovely Hill Billy's back home and realised how lucky we were to have take aways at every single corner in Cork!! We were talking to locals in the restaurant about no food afterwards and it didn't seem to bother them that there was no fast food places open afterwards....which got us thinking do we really need all those extra calories after a night out and why to me Garlic, Chips & Cheese is the nicest thing in the world at 3am after clubbing but I wouldn't touch it during the day!!

All those take aways how appealing are they during the day!?!? Would you go there for lunch!?!? That breast in a bun from hillbilly's is sought after at night how many orders do they get during the day!!??

Think I'm thinking twice about it now, next night out I might head on home after clubbing for that toasted sandwich instead:)