Saturday, 11 February 2012

Food on the Move...Good Idea or Bad!?!?

Lunch in Groups
Family Dinner

Lunch Alone

With RAG week last week it got me thinking about when people eat their lunch/dinner and do people have breakfast anymore!?!? I noticed so many people grabbing a roll from the shop and eating it quickly before their lecture. The crepe man was on campus all last week the amount of people walking around trying to eat a crepe on a paper plate is not one bit enjoyable. Believe me this has been tried and tested from my own personal experience!! Not only is it not enjoyable but looking at people trying to eat this crepe is not very appealing at all!!

But what is it with eating food on the move, is it a timing thing are people always in a rush!?!? surely to sit down and eat a sandwich wouldn't take more than five minutes!?!? But then again how many people do you see in college who actually sit down on their own and eat their lunch!?! Walking into the main or student centre there is always groups of people sitting around having their lunch. Is sitting on your own the reason you eat food on the go!? I must admit I feel I wouldn't sit on my own having lunch in college think I'd go to the toilets instead!!! But I would have no problem eating lunch on my own in town!! Does everyone feel this way!?!

Maybe I am thinking about it too much but have a look yourself during the week see how many people are braving it alone and how many cluster of groups all pile around one table..and more importanly who is strolling around having their lunch on the move!!!


  1. I think it's not so much the embarrassment of eating on your own but the death stares from everyone else that you will inevitably get by people thinking "It's so annoying when one person takes over an entire table" haha the Student Centre need more tables for sure.

  2. Oh my god, totally agree...I don't think I can physically walk and eat at the same time...too much multitasking, haha!
    Jen's right - people are like vultures around lonely eaters...(me being one of them!)

  3. That's so funny totally agree with you both. I must admit if I see one person sitting at a big table I would be raging!!! Student Centre should definately invest in more tables perhaps smaller one so us lone eaters can eat in peace!!

  4. I wouldn't have a problem eating on my own outside of college, totally agree though about one person taking up a whole table some hateful stares people give!!!!

  5. I have never eaten alone in college and don't think I will ever be brave enough to! I would feel like a loner when everyone else is in groups ha!
    Wouldn't mind it at all outside of college really though!

  6. Sounds so sad but would definitely prefer a social lunch rather than being a loner :( Would have no problem outside of college though, double standards!!! ha

  7. Totally agree wouldn't fancy having lunch alone in college either! Although I did brave a lonely breakie in Brookfield cafe last week..and it was totally fine...but I feel Brookfield doesn't really count as college??
